

What is the trend ionization energy?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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From left to right on the Periodic Table, ionization energy increases.

From top to bottom in a column (group) the ionization energy decreases.

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The trends are:
- increase in a period from left to right
- increase in a group upward

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Q: What is the trend ionization energy?
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Electronegativity and first ionization energy both increase going up the Periodic Table.

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Electronegativity and first ionization energy both increase going up the Periodic Table.

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electronegativity and the first ionization energy both increase as you move up the periodic table.APEX

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Ionization energy would be similar.

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First ionization energy has a trend similar to that of electronegativity.

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Noble gases have completely filled orbitals are are stable. they do not donate electrons and hence are not included in ionization energy trend.

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There are two main elements that do not follow the trend for ionization energy. Those two elements are both Boron and Oxygen.

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I suppose that this trend is normal.

How is the electronegativity trend related to the first ionization energy level?

When electronegativity decrease the first ionization energy also decrease.