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Since it is found in the body, it has to do with something that builds the body up. Also it has to do with DNA and RNA.

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Q: What kind of information do nucleic acids contain about an organism?
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What is the name and primary function of the other nucleic acid found in cells?

nucleic acids are DNA and RNA. (mostly known as DNA) its primary function is to contain genetic information about the living organism which carries it. Helping it, is its monomer. (a monomer is a single cell in which helps its host, in this case, the host is Nucleic Acids.) Nucleic Acids monomer is nucleotide. Nucleotide is the other part of the Nucleic Acids and like i said, helps it contain its genetic information, or DNA.

Why do you need nucleic acids?

nucleic acids contain the genetic information that produces every liveing cell on the planet.

Why are nucleic acids called blueprints of life?

Nucleic acids DNA and RNA are information storage compounds used in determining the nature of the organism they are stored in.

Do many food substances contain nucleic acids?

food substances to contain nucleic acids

What do the nucleic acids do in the body?

The nucleic acid is a protein found in RNA and DNA to determine our genes . Edit: NUCLEIC ACIDS ARE NOT PROTEINS. Do they have amino groups? No. Are they made out of Amino acids? no. Nucleic acids are polymers which are also known as RNA and DNA. They contain all of the information of the body.

Does nucleic acid contain genetic code?

DNA does. RNA just sends out messages from DNA to the rest of the cell.

Is a sugar a nucleic acid?

No, although there is a sugar (pentose) in nucleic acids.

What is nucleic acids significance to life?

Nucleic acid makes up DNA, which codes key information for every living organism that has ever existed.

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from amino acid to nucleic acids

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