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the types of autum in the element and proton nutrons and electron

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14y ago

They are generally named by the person who discovered/created them.

They can be named after Latin words, Famous People (mostly scientists) , or just random words

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What names the elements that combine to form a compound?

The chemical name of the compound is often based on the names of the elements that are part of it. However, for many simple organic compounds it is not possible to determine the component elements.

Where did the elements got there names and symbols?

Many elements names are of Greek and Latin words. Some elements are name after where named after countries like France, German ect.

How do elements get their names?

Today names for new elements are approved by IUPAC after consultation with many interested parties and taking into account the authors' proposal.

How did you determine the identity of the unknown materials?

Using many methods of chemical and physical analysis.

How many elements on the periodic table are unnamed?

Four elements have temporary names: ununtrium, ununpentium, ununseptium, ununoctium.

Which element is used in paint?

Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen for starters.

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4.See the Related Questions for how to determine the number of electrons in the outermost shell of all the elements!

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How many elements under atomic number 101 have names ending with ium?

39 from main table + all 14 lanthanides +all 14 actinides (but looking for elements<101 so, only 11) Hence, 64/100 elements with names ending in -ium.

Why is that sometimes an element symbol is not the first letter of its name?

Some of the chemical symbols are derived from element names in foreign languages, especially Latin.