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I think you're talking about nonpolar covalent molecules. These molecules share their electrons equally between atoms.

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Q: What molecules result from an even distribution of the electron cloud?
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What is the atoms electron cloud?

The distribution of electron around an atom in various shells is sometimes referred to as electron cloud. If there are more electrons in certain space around the atom, that space is said to have a denser electron cloud.

What does electrons look like around an atom?

An electron around an atom forms a sort of cloud; the cloud represents the probability distribution of finding the electron in different places. In the simplest case, this distribution is spherically symmetrical, but for the outer electrons, the distribution is more complicated. For more information, check the Wikipedia article on "Atomic orbital".

Why can we not accurately predict where in the electron cloud electrons can be found?

We cannot accurately predict where in the electron cloud electrons can be found because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This principle states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of an electron. As a result, we can only describe the probability distribution or the likelihood of finding an electron in a particular region of the electron cloud.

What is a electron cloud?

An electron cloud is an atomic orbital.

Is the electron found in the electron cloud or in the nucleus?


Is the electron found in the electron cloud or the nucleus?


What is a detailed explanation of the electron cloud model?

Scientist use the electron cloud model to represent an atom.In the electron cloud model, an atom has two distinct regions-the nucleus and the electron cloud.

What are factors affecting London forces?

Greater numbers of electrons in the electron cloud and surface area contact of the molecules/ atoms.

Where are the nucleus and electron cloud?

nucleus is in the middle and the electron cloud is around it

How does the electron cloud model for atomic electrons differ from the planetary model?

Unlike the planetary model's description of an atomic electron's position, the electron cloud model takes into account the quantum mechanical result known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle basically tells us that the more certain we are of a particle's position, the less certain we are of its momentum and its kinetic energy. This means that we can't say that an electron is at this exact spot while also saying that it's orbiting the nucleus with thisexact momentum, telling us that the planetary model of an atom is incorrect.We can say that an electron has a certain probability to occupy a certain quantum state with a certain energy though. This is where the electron cloud comes in. The electron cloud is simply a model describing the spherical probability distribution of an electron's position around an atomic nucleus. The reason we use the word cloud in the model is to emphasize the fact that the electron's position is a probability function and therefore all spread out and fluffy, like a cloud.

What is an electron cloud made of?

An electron cloud is made up of protons and neutrons.

Where is a electron cloud located?

The electron cloud in an atom is located outside of the nucleus.