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Bohr did not speak of fixed LOCATIONS of electrons, he spoke of fixed energy levels. His name for such energy levels was "orbits" or "orbitals."

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Q: What moved in fixed orbits around the nucleus in Bohr's model of a the atom?
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Nature of atomic structure?

in the atom, there is a nucleus, surrounded by fixed orbits. In the nucleus, there lies the protons and neutrons. The number of protons can never change, but the number of neutrons can. the number of protons is used to identify the elements. In the fixed orbits around the nucleus, there turns the electrons, turning around the nucleus continuously.

The bohr model is used to illustrate the arrangement of?

Electrons were placed on different orbits around the atomic nucleus.

Is it true that electrons have a constant speed and move in fixed orbits around the nucleus?

Yes this is true

Where are the electrons located in Bohr's atomic model?

In this model, the electrons move or orbit around the protons that are at the center of the atom. Electrons move around the nucleus, which contains the proton, in orbits that have a definite size and energy.

What was the basic new proposal in the Bohr model of the atoms?

Bohr proposed that an electron is found in circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus, and they can only orbit at a specific fixed distance from the nucleus.

What year did Werner Heisenberg discover the atomic theory?

bohrs theory holds that each atom consists of a small, dense, positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons that move in fixed, defined orbits about the nucleus, the total number of electrons normally balancing the total positive charge of particles in nucleus.

What is the Paths around the Nucleus called?

Electrons are said to occupy orbitals, around the atomic nucleus. They do not actually orbit in the manner that planets orbit the sun; they spread themselves out, as an electron cloud, and surround the nucleus rather than moving in an orbit.

What did bohr discover that electrons did inside the atom?

In atomic physics, the Bohr model, devised by Niels Bohr, depicts the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus-similar in structure to the solar system, but with electrostatic forces providing attraction, rather than gravity.

Bohr suggested that electrons circle the nucleus in what type of orbit?

False -- it's more elliptical

How was Daltons atomic theory similar to democritus's atomic theory?

It described a nucleus surrounded by a large volume of space.

How do the members of the solar system revolve around thr sun?

in fixed orbits

How did Niels Bohr describe electrons?

As being in fixed energy levels around the nucleus