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Halogens, hands down. That would be the one second from the right that starts with Fluorine :)

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Q: What non metal group is most reactive?
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What is the most reactive metal and nonmetal group in the periodic table?

caesium is the most reactive non-radioactive metal and Florine is the most reactive non-metal, but francium is the most reactive, radioactive metal

What is the most non metal reactive group?

Group 17, the Halogens.

The most reactive non-metal are found in group?

Group 17 (the halogens)

What is the most chemicaly reactive nonmetal element?

The elements in the group 17 are the most reactive non metals. In the group, the reactivity decreases downwards as the ionic radius increases. Therefore fluorine is the most reactive non metal.The halogens are the most reactive non metals. They are in the 17th group of the periodic table. Fluorine is the most reactive non metal.Chlorine is most reactive non metal.It is present in group-17. It forms bonds by gaining one electron.

What are the most reactive groups of nonmetals on the periodic table?

The most reactive group of non metal is group-17. It is called halogen family.

What metal is the most reactive metal?

Fluorine is the most reactive non-metal.

Which non metal below is most reactive?

fluorine is the most reactive non metal in the periodic table.

Most reactive non metal?

The most reactive nonmetals are the Halogens, found in group 17. These elements tend to have 7 electrons in their outermost energy level (valence electrons). Since they only need one more electron to stabilize, they react easily to form a negative ion.

Which group contains the most reactive non metals?

The Halogens are most reactive non-metals. They have the most tendency to accept electrons in their respective periods. The Halogen family comprises of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine

what is the most reactive (non-metals) group in the periodic table?

the most reactive (non-metals) group in the periodic table is GROUP 17+they are all reactive

What is the maost reactive non-metal family?

The halogens or group 7A elements. They are the most reactive non-metal family because they only need one more valence electron to have a complete octet.

Is chlorine a very reactive non-metal or a very non-reactive non-metal?

"very reactive"