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An electron weighs about 1/1836 of a proton, so as far as an atom is concerned, all the mass is in the nucleus, with the protons and neutrons.

But the electrons are rotating in their orbits a long way (in proton size terms) from the nucleus. So most of the volume of an atom is empty space.

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11y ago

The protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus make up most of the mass of an atom. The electron cloud makes up most of the volume of an atom.

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Q: What particles make up most of the mass of an atom.What makes up mot of te volume of an atom?
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How will you prove that volume of an atom is chiefly empty space?

This may appreciate knowing the volume of the atom, and the total volume of atomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons).

What are particles that make an atom?

the particles that makes up an atom are protons neurons electrons among which electrons are the smallest.

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largely empty space

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What makes up most of the volume of an atom.?

Empty space makes up most of the volume of an atom. The nucleus (protons and neutrons) make up most of the mass.

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The force that keeps them in orbit is the electrostatic attraction between the atom's nucleus and the electrons.

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These particles are called electrons.

What sub atomic particles makes up mass of an atom?

Protons and neutrons

What makes the volume of an atom?

An atom is made up of protons and neutrons in a nucleus surrounded by electrons in orbital shells. The majority of the volume however, is empty space.

Does an atom have volume?

a atom does have volume

Which sub atomic particle makes up most of the mass of atom?

These particles are proton and neutron.

What makes up an atom's nucleus?

Within an atom's nucleus are protons and neutrons. The mass of a atom is consisted majorly from protons and neutrons. If your looking further into the atom's nucleus you'll run into "quarks".