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If the hydrocarbons are in the liquid state then their differential boiling points are used in separation - fractional distillation. Some hydrocarbons are also separated by their differential solubility in some organic solvents.


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Different molecules have different boiling points.

However this is not a property unique to hydrocarbons, many other things can also be separated by fractional distillation.

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Q: What physical property of hydrocarbons is used for fractional distillation?
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What property of hydrocarbons lets fractional distillation of crude oil work?

The boiling points of chemical compounds are different.

What is the property of fractional distillation process rely on called?

Distillation is based on the differences between boiling points.

Is distillation a chemical or physical property?

No. By which I mean it's not a "property" at all, it's a process.

What is main purpose of petroleum refining?

The various hydrocarbons present in petroleum have different boiling points. as the number of carbon atoms in a hydrogen increases,it's boiling point also increases.This property is used to separate the different components of petroleum by fractional distillation.The components with different boiling points are known as fractions, and the process of separating the fractions by fractional distillation is known as refining.

What is the main purpose of petroleum refining?

The various hydrocarbons present in petroleum have different boiling points. as the number of carbon atoms in a hydrogen increases,it's boiling point also increases.This property is used to separate the different components of petroleum by fractional distillation.The components with different boiling points are known as fractions, and the process of separating the fractions by fractional distillation is known as refining.

What characteristic property of two liquids must differ if a mixture of them is to be separated by fractional distillation?

The characteristic property that allows distillation to separate a mixture of liquids is a liquids boiling point. The conducting vapors are put in a cooling device where they are allowed to condense. The condensation is collecting into a different flask.

What physical property is disillation based on?

Distillation is based on the boiling points of the different components of a solution.

Which physical property makes it possible to separate components of crude oil by means of distillation?

boiling point

What physical property is used to separate crude oil into fractions?

Difference in the boiling points among different byproducts of crude oil is used to separate out each component from a mixture. Fractional distillation is used to carry out this process. This method can also be used to purify water and acetone from a mixture.

What property of the fractions makes the fractional distillation works?

Because the mixed liquids have different boiling points allowing the different liquids to boil at different times!

What physical property of oxygen enables it to be separated from the other components of air?

They are both difficult to separate because both of these have very little difference in their boiling points.This makes separating them difficult. Hence, they are separated by fractional distillation

What physical property is used in the process of distillation?

Distillation depends on the different boiling points of the things in the mixture to be distilled. Another way to say it is that it depends on differential volatilities.