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34.1 amu

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Q: What represents the mass of 1 molecule of sh2?
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What represent the mass of 1 molecule of SH2?

The mass of one molecule of SH2 is approximately 34.1 amu.

What best represents the mass of 1 molecule of SH2?

S is 32.066g/mol and H2 is 2.0158, giving 34.0818. This divided by avagadros number of 6.022x1023 is 5.65954832281634x10-23g (keep in mind there is inaccuracy in any figures past 3 decimal places as I only have sulphur and avagadro's number to 3 decimal places)

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What is the mass of 1 molecule of nitrogen?

One molecule of nitrogen has a mass of approximately 4.65173 x 10-23 grams.

What is a molar mass and how many atoms are in 1 mole of anything?

molar mass is just the moleular mass of an atom or molecule.

What is the mass of a single molecule of water?

- calculate the molecular mass of the substance from the atomic weights of the contained elements - 1 molecule gram of any substance contain 6,023 141 79.1023 molecules (Avogadro number) - mass of a single molecule is: Molecular mass in grams/Avogadro number

What is the formula mass of hydrogen?

The relative formula mass of a molecule of hydrgoen is two (2 x 1).

What is molecular mass of h2so4?

The mass in grams of one mole H2SO4 is: 98.079 g/mol (molar mass)The mass in grams of one molecule H2SO4 is (molecule mass):98.079 (g/mol) / 6.02214*10+23(molecules/mol) = 16.286*10-23 g/molecule

What does a chemical equation represents?

The formula of which a compound is made of.Another OpinionA chemical equation represents how many atoms of each element are in one molecule of the substance, for example H2O has 2 Hydrogens and 1 Oxygen per water molecule.

What is the relative mass formula of hydrogen gas?

The molecular mass of hydrogen gas is 2. A molecule of hydrogen gas contains two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded. Since each hydrogen atom has an atomic mass of 1 (as we can derive from the Periodic Table of Elements), the molecular mass of hydrogen gas as a molecule is 1 + 1 = 2.

Can a mole represent a molecule?

A mole represents a set number of molecules, not just 1 molecule. There are avagadro's number of molecules in a mole. Avagadro's number: 6.022x10^23

How many atoms are in the compound molecule H2SO4?

The formula H2SO4 represents 7 atoms in a molecule: 2 H atoms, 1 S atom, and 4 O atoms.