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3ZnCO3 + 2H3PO4 --> 3H2O + 3CO2 + Zn3(PO4)2

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Q: What salt does zinc carbonate and phosphoric acid form?
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Related questions

What is the salt called from phosphoric acid?

Generically, salts from phosphoric acid are "phosphates".

What are orthophosphate?

a salt of phosphoric acid

Is phosphoric acid an organic acid salt?

It is in no way organic.

Is calciumcarbonate salt or acid?

Acid dissolved in water results in free protons and the acid's salt. Carbon acid in water dissolves into protons and carbonate. So to answer your questions (Ca)carbonate is salt.

What is the name of the salt that is formed by nitric acid and calcium carbonate?

This reaction will form calcium nitrate.

What does phosphoric acid mixed with magnesium carbonate make?

The products that are formed will be magnesium salt, water and carbon dioxide. Exactly what salt is made depends the acid used. Hydrochloric acid produces magnesium chloride; sulphuric acid produces magnesium sulphate; nitric acid produces magnesium nitrate.

When the acid reacts with a carbonate what are the three products?

carbonate + acid = salt + water + carbon dioxide

Can an acid and a base react to form an acid?

NO!!!! Remember the general acid reaction equations. Acid + Base = Salt +Water Acid +Alkali = Salt + Water Acid +Metal = Salt + Hydrogen Acid + Carbonate = Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide. NB An Alkali is a soluble Base.

Is Na2CO3 a base acid or salt?

Sodium carbonate is a salt.

What is produced when carbonate reacts with an acid?

Carbonate is CO3(2-) and will react with acids to give off carbon dioxide (CO2), leaving the acid salt of the original carbonate salt.

Is Na3PO4 an acidic salt or normal salt?

H3PO4Is phosphoric acid, a strong acid. This would have to react with a strong base, such as NaOH, to produce a salt.3NaOH + H3PO4 --> Na3PO4 + 3H2OThe salt produced is sodium phosphate.

Can you predict What salt will be made from phosphoric acid?

Sure, phosphate salts.