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There is no such law. Only the totality of energy must be conserved in a chemical reaction.

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Q: What scientific law serves as the basis for balancing chemical reactions by requiring that there be no change of matter?
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What does balance mean in scientific terms?

It does mean that the number of atoms in both sides of a chemical reactions are equal.

What are the scientific symbols for solid liquid gas?

You can use in chemical reactions symbols as (s), (l), (g).

What chemical reaction produces the sun and energy?

These are not chemical reactions but thermonuclear reactions.

What two types of scientific. knowledge can be expressed. as mathematical equations?

Laws is one... and the other one i dont know... :SLaw and making models.

Proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in the cell without requiring high temperatures are antibodies?

Enzymes (Are all proteins, but not all proteins are enzymes.)

How are chemical reactions abbreviated?

Chemical reactions are abbreviated by their chemical equations.

Do a chemical reaction produce heat and light?

Chemical reactions can produce heat and energy but not all chemical reactions produce them. Exothermic reactions produce heat and energy (possibly in the form of photons/light), while endothermic reaction absorb them.

Scientific application of the periodic table?

When it comes to scientific application of the periodic table, this table is beneficial to scientists and science students who wish to predict the kinds of chemical reactions of a specific element. One quick look at the table is all it takes to know if a particular element will conduct electricity or not and so on. Balancing chemical reactions is also made easy since the table has each elementâ??s atomic number and atomic weight. The charge can be easily determined based on the elementâ??s group.

How enzymes control chemical reactions?

enzymes helps control chemical reactions by the chemical in it called collagen when enzymes enter your body they create a chemical reactions and controls the chemical reactions you get by eating too much acids.

What comes out of chemical reactions?

4 useful chemical reactions are: fermentation, smelting combustion and electrolysis

Are reactions chemical?

Not ALL reactions are chemicals. When chemicals reacte with other chemicals it is called as chemical reactions.