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A liquid

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11y ago

gaseous state of matter

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Q: What state of matter will spread out to fill up whatever container it is in?
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What does matter in a gas state do to fill its container?

Spread out.

What is the matter in a gas state will out to fill its container?

it will move randomly and quickly to fill the empty space in the container..that's how the matter in a gas do to fill the container.. P/s: gas is matter that has mass and occupied space.

A gas state of matter does what to fill out its container six words?

it will spread

What state of matter do particles spread apart to fill the available space?

Gaseous states of matter spread apart to fill the shape and the volume of the container which holds them.

What state of matter will always take the shape and volume of its container?

the state of matter that changes shape when placed in a different container is water

What state of matter changes volume to fill it's container?


What state of matter when bathroom deodorizer disappears in the container?

Gas state

What will matter in a gas state do?

It will expand to fill the container and change shape to conform to the interior of the container.

Which state of matter takes the shape of the container it in?

Both a gas and a liquid will take the shape of its container.

What state of matter changes when you put it into a different container?


When matter is in a liquid or gas state it takes the shape of its?


Which state of matter fully expands to the volume of its container?

This is the gas.