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3s and 3p

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Q: What sublevels are occupied in the outermost principle level of an argon atom?
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Which sublevels are occupied in the outermost principle energy level of an argon atom in the ground state?

The 3p level

Which sublevels contain valence electrons in an atom of argon (Ar)?

3s and 3p

How many electrons are in the outermost level of argon?

There are eight of them.

What element in period 3 has 8 electrons in its outermost energy level?


Why don't neon and argon form ions?

there outermost shells are completely filled.

When a calcium atom loses its valence electrons the ion formed has an electron configuration that is the same as an atom of?

Argon. Calcium has the electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2, and when it loses its valence electrons (the outermost 4s2 electrons) it has a configuration identical to argon. If you don't know about sublevels, then disregard that. Calcium has a configuration of 2-8-8-2, and when it loses its 2 valence electrons, it has a configuration identical to argon in the ground state. Hope that cleared it up

Can an atom form if you have 8 outermost electrons?

Yes, an atom can form if we have 8 outermost electrons .Argon (Ar) is an Example having such atoms .

Which sublevels or the third energy level are filled in the element argon?

Argon is the noble gas in third period. In modern periodic table, it is in group 18. It bears [Ne] 3s2 3p6 electron configuration.

Why argon and xenon do not easily combine with other elements?

Their outermost electron shells are full.

How many electron in its outermost level do argon have?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

Does argon have ten electrons?

No. The atomic number of argon is 18. So it has 18 protons and 18 electrons (out of these, 8 electrons are valence electrons and belong to the outermost shell).

What is the volume occupied by 40 grams of argon gas Ar at standard conditions?

It is 22.413 litres, approx.