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Sodium Chloride


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Q: What substances when mixed together will produce table salt?
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What is composed of two or more substances that are mixed together but can be separated?

Motor oil and table salt.

Are all the substances in the periodic table elements?

Yes! All of the 'substances' are elements. However elements can join together to make compounds.

What are two properties the metal family share in the periodic table?

they produce extreme heat when mixed with water

What is it called when sodium and chlorine are mixed together?

The compound is sodium chloride - NaCl (table salt).

What element of the periodic table can cause high blood pressure?

sodium and chlorine are mixed together to create salt each would explode if not mixed together

How do you feel touch taste a lot when its only 109 substances of the periodic table?

Those 109 substances join together to form millions of very different compounds.

What substances can blow up if you mix them together?

Thousands. It's a simple chemical reaction. Learn about the chemical chart (table) and then figure it out from there.

What substances are element?

All of the substances found in the Periodic Table are considered as elements. None others are.

How does the particles change when oxygen and iron are mixed together?

The abbreviation for Iron is Fe on the periodic table[which is the abbreviation of the latin "ferrous"] . The abbreviation for Oxygen is O on the periodic table. When the two are mixed, FeO2 is created, known as ferrous oxide. It's common name is rust.

Why isn't water in the peridioctable?

The substances in the periodic table all consist of only one type of atoms. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen together.

What does sodium and chloride make together?

The elements sodium and chlorine react to produce sodium chloride (common table salt).

Is the following true or false table sugar and table Salt are substances?
