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Objects are attracted to each other due to the force of attraction (gravity). this force of attraction depends on the mass of the object.

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Q: What things in nature are naturally attracted to each other?
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None - you didn't want to say you wanted to have sex with that celebrity, though, did you? It's perfectly natural to find many other people than your spouse attractive, additionally straight men can find other men attractive, and straight women can find other attractive, it doesn't mean we want to leave our significant other for them !! - we are naturally attracted to all things beautiful - personally, i am attracted to pretty, shiny things!

Animals that are attracted by dead things?

sharks, vultures (and other birds of prey), hyenas

How do you quite smoking naturally?

by stopping and doing other things, such as chewing on a toothpick.

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The same as every other living creature. They reproduce.

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Answering "Well not all metal are attracted to magnets like chocklate or modelling clay but the things that attracted to magnets is iron nails and steel clip."

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They depend on animals and nature and other things around them.

How could one explain what hydrogen bonds are?

Hydrogen bonds is the process when hydrogen atoms interact and are attracted to other atoms such as nitrogen. It happens naturally in substances like water.

Why do preserve human life?

people care more about them then the other things in nature.

Women are naturally attracted to other women?

I am a woman and I never was physically or emotionally attracted to a woman. My sister is a Lesbian, she tells me Lesbianism is an emotional attraction to other women, and I have never felt that. I've always been emotionally attracted to men. I am comfortable with my sister and her partner(s) and lesbian friends. I have briefly wondered about this issue, but I know I have no interest in an intimate relationship with a woman on an emotional or physical level.