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It decreases from top to bottom!

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Q: What trend do you see in the relative electronegativity values of elements within a group?
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What is the electronegativity of the oxygen atom to that of the other molecules within the electron transport chain?

Oxygen has the second highest electronegativity of any element, second only to fluorine. Since it would be unusual to have fluorine in the electron transport chain, we can safely expect that oxygen will have the highest electronegativity in the chain.

Which metallic elements within a given group (vertical column) of the periodic table lose electrons more easily Why?

These are the alkali metals: Li, K, Na, Rb, Cs, Fr. Due to a specific electron structure they have a low ionization energy and electronegativity value.

What accompanies an increase in atomic number within a specific period?

An increase in atomic number would be accompanied by a decrease in radius, and an increase in electronegativity.

What do elements within a group have a similar number of?

Chemical elements that are in the same group within the periodic table have the same numbers of electrons in the outermost shell. This gives them similar reactivity.

Why does the electronegativity of the elements increase as the atomic number in a period increases?

Electronegativity is the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract shared electrons to itself. There are a few reasons why electronegativity values increase while going across periods. 1. Most elements follow the octet rule. They gain, lose, or share electrons with other elements to have eight valence electrons in their outer shell. Not all elements follow this rule but that is not important here. The reason they do this is because having a full outer shell will cause the atoms become more stable. 2. Think about metals and the aspects of their ionic bonds. They transfer their electrons to certain nonmetals (in many cases). They have a very low electronegativity because metals do not have many valence electrons. It takes much less energy to remove one or two electrons than it does to add six or seven. 3. The same goes for nonmetals. They tend to have 5, 6, or 7 valence electrons. It takes much less energy to gain 1, 2 or 3 electrons than it does to remove the 5, 6, or 7. Think about this: Why would Lithium, which has 1 valence electron, attract 7 more electrons to have a full outer shell? That would take way too much energy. In nature, Lithium would simply lose that electron to an element with a high electronegativity, such as Fluorine. Fluoride has 7 valence electrons so again, why would Fluorine lose seven electrons instead of just gaining one? Everything has to do with energy here. The less energy it takes to remove or add an electron, the better. I hoped this helped!

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Does an elements electronegativity change when going within a period?

Yes electronegativity changes along a period. It increases along a period.

Which arrangement of elements represents an increasing trend of electronegativity?

Electronegativity is the attraction of bonding electrons by an atom. As the size of the atom increases, so does the distance from the nucleus to any other atom's electrons. Electronegativity increases as you go right within a period or up within a group.

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Element within a group have nuclei of different sizes so that their valency electrons are at different distances from the nuclei. This affects their electronegativity and thence other chemical properties.

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These are the alkali metals: Li, K, Na, Rb, Cs, Fr. Due to a specific electron structure they have a low ionization energy and electronegativity value.

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