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When you move left to right across a period (for any period on the Table) the atomic radius decreases.

For each atom as you progress to the right, an electron is added to the Principle Energy Level and a proton is added to the nucleus. Why is this important? Because the more positively-charged nucleus pulls the valence electron(s) in tighter. (When the electrons are pulled in closer to the nucleus, the size of the atom decreases.)

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Q: What trends is there when you move form left to right across the second period of the periodic table?
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What is the most important in determining the periodic trends across a period?

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What are the elecronegativity trends seen in the periodic table?

On the Periodic Table of elements, electronegativity increases as you move left to right across a period.

Why is the periodic table useful for studying the properties of different elements?

well, the periodic table is very useful because you have the atomic number, atomic mass, and even the trends across a period or down a group.

What periodic trends exist for electrongavity?

Electronegativity increases from left to right across a period from column 1 through column 17 but drops sharply from column 17 to column 18.

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The periodic trends that arise from the arrangement of the periodic table provide chemists with an invaluable tool to quickly predict an element's properties. These trends exist because of the similar atomic structure of the elements within their respective group families or period and the periodic nature of the elements.

How do periodic trends affect bonding?

Periodic trends affect bonding due to the arrangement of the elements on the periodic table. The periodic table only includes chemical elements.

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On the periodic table there is no such order of first and second as asked in the question.

What are the general trends andpatterns within the periodic table?

Atomic radius increases down the group. It decreases along a period.

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The trends from left to right in a period increase (nuclear charge), and moving down a group decreases (shielding).

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Periodic patterns and trends

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Periodic trends illustrate how some elements are very reactive while others are stable.