

What two atoms share 4 electrons?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Carbon and silicon are two elements that share four electrons while bonding. Occasionally, in compounds like sulfur tetraoxide, elements other than in group 14 also share exactly four electrons.

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11y ago

Carbon atom generally shares 4 electrons in its covalent compounds.

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9y ago

Metallic bonds are formed between metal atoms which feature a 'pool of electrons'. Metals form ionic bonds with strong non metals. Non metals form covalent bonds with other non metals.

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Four electrons are shared in a?

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a carbon atom can share electrons with up to four other atoms.

How many electrons does carbon atoms share?

This question seems a bit unclear. Perhaps it meant something like: "how many electrons can be shared with carbon atoms?" Anyway, a carbon atom can share 4 electrons with other atoms, including other carbon atoms.

In a double bond two atoms share a total of how many electrons?

In a double covalent bond, each atom provides two electrons; a total of four electrons in the bond.

Why would two oxygen atoms want to form a double covalent bond?

A lone oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell which is not very stable, whereas as full octet (8 outer shell electrons) is stable. In order to achieve this two oxygen atoms will share 4 electrons, each contributing 2 electrons. Since these electrons exist within the orbitals of both atoms, to oxygen atoms essentially achieve a full octet.

How many electrons make up a double covalent bond?


What indicates how many electrons must be lost gained or share to achieve stability?

It depends on the no. of atoms in the outermost shellIf there are p no. of atoms in the shell, then,if p4, then (8-p) electrons need to be gained for stability.

Why carbon atoms cannot form ionic bonds in its compounds?

carbon atoms cannot form ionic bonds because it can neither gain or loose electrons as it has 4 electrons in its valence it share its electrons which forms covalent bond.

How many paired electrons are there in an atom of oxygen?

hi. whats your name. i love you. i have a myspace. do you? haha. im doing my biology homework right now. haha. my name is.... hahaa. anyways. i love you. byee. Why would you post that. I'm doing my biology homework too, and that was a complete waste of my time to read that. I really hate this question. Welp thanks. Next time answer my question and I won't care that you posted all that nonsense.

What does the octet rule say about atoms losing and gaining electrons?

More than 4 gain. Less than 4 lose and exactly 4 share

Atoms with how many valence electrons will probably gain two electrons or share two covalent bonds?

Probably oxygen (it is the most common oxidant available in most environments).

How many electrons do carbon atoms always share?

They have 4. They "want" to share 8, but they don't always get to do so. Carbon monoxide is the best example of incomplete combustion.

In a double covalent bond two electrons are shared between two atoms.?

Actually 4 electrons are being shared between 2 atoms. Each atom provides 2 electrons for a total of 4. If only 2 electrons are being shared, it is a single covalent bond.