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The combination of two elements (a metal and a nonmetal) is always a redox reaction.

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Redox reactions

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Q: What type of chemical reaction classes always involve oxidation?
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What chemical reaction with other substances is called oxidation?

A reaction witrh oxygen is called oxidation. Generally oxidation involve lose of electrons.

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Yes, rusting is a chemical reaction, an oxidation.

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Because flammability involve burning, a chemical reaction of oxidation.

Does burning involve a change in chemical properties?

Of course; burning is a chemical reaction, an oxidation.

What identifies an oxidation-reduction reaction'?

An oxidation-reaction involve a transfer of electrons.

What happens in an oxidatoin reaction?

Oxidation involve loss of electrons.

What chemical substances are formed when oxidation occurs?

Oxidation is one part of a redox reaction, where redox stands for reduction-oxidation. Oxidation is the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion. It need not involve any oxygen and the question is too underspecified to have a sensible answer.

Which reaction are of oxidation reaction and are of exothermic nature?

These are not mutually exclusive. A reaction can be oxidation and exothermic. Oxidation reactions involve a change in oxidation state (charge) which is interpreted as a loss of electrons. Exothermic reactions release heat energy.

What are the similarities between oxidation and reduction?

They are chemical changes, they involve electrons.

What are similarities between oxidation and reduction?

They are chemical changes, they involve electrons.

Radioactive decay is chemical reaction or?

it is type of nuclear reaction because nucleus is involve in this type of reaction while in ordinary chemical reaction only valance electron of atoms involve