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Stomach juices is acidic. Reason is it contains HCl.

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Q: What type of solution is stomach acid?
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Is stomach acid the same as acid?

Stomach acid is a solution of acid, hydrochloric acid to be specific.

Why does vomit have acid in it what is the acid?

Stomach acid is normal. Vomit is normally acid but does not have to be. The stomach acid is a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, HCl.

If stomach acid has a pH of about 2 what can you reach about the pH of an antacid solution that is used to neutralize excess stomach acid?

7 to 8Ph

What type of acid breaks down food in your stomach?

digestive juice acid

Hydrocloric acid in stomach?

Hydrochloric acid is present in the stomach. It has a pH in the range of 1-2 depending on the amount and type of food consumed. It is about .5% of the liquid in the stomach.

What is the result of stomach acid if enter into the esophagus?

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Is stomach acid organic or inorganic?

Type your answer here... inorganic

Which muriatic acid should you use to replace stomach acid in your science experiment?

HCl in the stomach is (around 0.5%) and a pH of 1-2. You will need to make a solution of muriatic acid similar to that. If you have pH paper, you can figure it out.

What type of solution measured pH of 1?

It is an acid.

If your stomach contained 1 liter of dilute hydrochloric acid powder would you need to neutralize it?

That depends on how dilute the hydrochloric acid is. Your stomach naturally produces hydrochloric acid as part of the natural human digestive process. If you just drank a liter of water and had little in your stomach to begin with, your stomach would then contain a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid.

Is indigestion powder a alkali or an acid?

Its an alkali or a base that is required to neutralise the acid in the stomach. The acid on the stomach is the primary cause of the burning sensation. Nick A.Toon

Is stomach acid acid or alkali's?

stomach acid is and acid