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Getting sideswiped; getting run off the road; and getting hit head-on

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Q: What types of collisions can result from unsafe passes?
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What types of collisions can result from making unsafe?

Getting run off the roadGetting hit head-on

Volcanoes commonly form as a result of which two types of collisions?

Volcanoes are usually found where tectonic plates are converging or diverging.

Which types of collisions are the deadliest?

Head-on collisions are usually the most fatal ones.

Examples of where the three types of plate movements occur?

Continental- continental collisions, Continental-oceanic collisions,and Oceanic-oceanic collisions

What types of weather does most collisions occur?

icy pavement

What types of weather do most collisions occur?

Freeze rain

Which types of lithosphere are colliding at convergent boundaries.?

continent-continent collisions

In what types of weather do most collisions occur?

Freeze rain

Which types of lithosphere are colliding at a convergent boundary?

continent-continent collisions

What types of collisions can result from making unsafe passes in a vehicle?

On a two-lane road, unsafe passing of a vehicle can cause head-on collisions. It can also cause fender and hood damage as the passing car attempts to get back into it's lane. If one vehicle clips the other, one or both cars could spin, flip, or roll depending on the road conditions, size and weight of vehicles, driver experience, and speed of both vehicles.After the passing vehicle causes the accident, it can then cause a pile up if approaching drivers can't slow down quickly enough or aren't paying attention. If cars safely pass by the accident, there will always be drivers who gawk so someone un-involved in accident #1 will cause accident #2, usually a rear-end collision. One rear-end collision can and often does cause another, and another.Moral: Do not pass go, do not collect $200, when it is not safe to pass another vehicle.

Three electrical hazards that may be present at a construction site are?

This may come from wet conditions, overhead power lines, and overloaded circuits but there are three main types of electrical hazards: Shock, Arc Flash and Blast and most electrical accidents result from one of the following three factors: unsafe equipment or installation, unsafe environment, or unsafe work practices.

Describe the three types of plate collisions that occur along convergent boundaries?

There are three types of plate collisions. They are classified by the type of crust involved in the collision. Plate collisions fall into these three types: 1. Both plates have an oceanic leading edge, 2. One plate has a continental leading edge and the other has an oceanic leading edge, and 3. both plates have a continental leading edge