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Q: What unit would be best used to count the number of water molecules in a glass?
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How do you decrease the number of molecules in a glass of water without changing the number of water molecules?

If the water is impure, you could remove the impurities. If the water is pure, it's impossible to decrease the number of molecules without changing the number of water molecules, which would be the only kind of molecules present in that case.

Why does glass of water sweat?

The glass is not actually "sweating." What you are seeing is condensation of water molecules from the air onto the glass's surface. Because the water in the glass has less energy than the water in the air (it's cooler), energy from the water molecules in the warmer air is given up to warm the cooler water in the glass. This loss of energy results in the air water molecules' inability to break the number of hydrogen bonds between themselves necessary to remain in the gas phase and ultimately the condensation of water onto the outside of the glass surface.

Which property allows water to stick to glass?

This is called adherence. It is the force of attraction between the water molecules and the glass molecules.

Why does water wet glass and mercury does not?

Water wets glass because the force of adhesion between the glass molecules and water molecules is greater than the force of cohesion between the water molecules and glass molecules. Mercury does not wet glass because the force of cohesion is greater than the force of adhesion

Why a drop of water put on a glass plate spreads?

because the cohesion of water molecules is less stronger than the adhesion of the water molecules

When you put cool water in the glass why the outside vapour appears?

as the air molecules are free to move , when we pour cold water in glass its surface become cooler than the room temperature , thr air molecules stick with the walls of glass and due to low temperature there these air molecules deposit there.

Why does a glass of water sweat?

It's called condensation. it's not sweat. There's microscopic liottle drops of moisture in the air that get collected toward cold areas, on a hot day, it has no where to go but toward a cold glass of water.

Is there more water molecules in thermal energy when its hot or cold?

The number of water molecules is not dependent on temperature.

Which molecules will move faster water molecules in a cup of hot soup or water molecules in a glass of iced lemonade?

A mug is a solid, so the molecules that make up a mug will be rigid and essentially not moving. For a glass of cold water, since it is a liquid, will have molecules that flow by each other but still keeps a shape. in the end, the molecules of water are moving faster.

What does a glass of water represent?

represents avilability of water molecules to serve some1 who is truely needy...........

If you leave water in a glass and some molecules turn into gas it is called?


How many molecules of water does a 50g sample of H2O have?

The number of water molecules is 16,728.10e23.