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Q: What will happen if you mixed potassium chloride and alcohol?
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Would a reaction occur if you mixed potassium chloride with iodine?

No - there would be a reaction though if Chlorine and Potassium Iodide were mixed

What is the formula unit for potassium sulfate and barium chloride are mixed to form potassium chloride and barium sulfate?

The formula unit for the formation of potassium chloride and barium sulfate is one mole. One unit of potassium sulfate and barium chloride are required for the reaction.

What evidence did you observe that would lead you to believe that the residue was potassium chloride?

The evidence that would lead you to believe that a residue was potassium chloride is it's white crystalline structure. When potassium chloride is mixed with water and the water evaporates, it leaves behind small potassium chloride crystals.

Will a reaction occur if solution of sodium chloride and potassium nitrate are mixed?


Is there a chemical reaction if potassium chloride is mixed with sodium chloride?

No chemical reaction, only a solution containing ions of potassium, sodium and chlorine.

When potassium chloride is mixed with ammonia and ammonium fluoride what happens?

Any reaction occur.

Barium chloride is added to potassium chloride What will be colour of the final solution?

BaCl2- and KCl-solutions have no color, and also none when mixed.

When hydrochloric acid is mixed with potassium hydroxide is it a chemical change?

Yes - you have an acid and base and the resultant products are a salt (Potassium Chloride) and water

Sodium chloride is mixed with sodium hydroxide?

what is the project of sodium hydroxide and potassium chloride? what is the project of sodium hydroxide and potassium chloride? what is the project of sodium hydroxide and potassium chloride? what is the project of sodium hydroxide and potassium chloride? what is the project of sodium hydroxide and potassium chloride? what is the project of sodium hydroxide and potassium chloride?

What happen when alcohol and water mixed?

You get a mix of alcohol and water You get dull beer.

What is the insoluble white substance formed when potassium chloride is mixed with silver nitrate?

The insoluble white substance (precipitate) is silver chloride, AgCl, which is insoluble in water.

What can happen when the drinking of alcohol is mixed with other drugs use?

When alcohol is mixed with drugs such as Oxycontin, death may occur.