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Because any solution have equal number of positive and negative ions, thus becomes neutral.

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it would be zero because it is neutral

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Q: What would be the overall charge in any IV solution. Why?
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What is overall electric charge?

The overall charge for a purchase is the cost including the product, tax, shipping, and any other fees or services.

What is the overall charge of the oxygen atom?

The overall charge of any atom is 0. This is because the overall charge is number of protons - number of electrons. For every atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons so it is 0.

Why the overall charge of the oxygen atom is zero?

The overall charge of any atom is 0. This is because the overall charge is number of protons - number of electrons. For every atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons so it is 0.

What is the overall charge on any ionic or molecular substance?

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What is the charge for silver chloride?

The overall charge for any compound is balanced. The charge for Ag is +1, and the charge for chloride is -1. They cancel each other out.

What is the overall charge on any atom?

An atom is neutral, and therefore has an overall charge of zero. If an atom either loses or gains electrons through a chemical reaction, or loses protons through radioactive decay, so that it then has an overall charge, it is no longer considered to be an atom but is classified as an ion.

Why do atoms have an overall charge of neutral?

As they contain same number of electrons and protons. So, they don't carry any charge.

Why do atoms usually have no overall charge?

The protons in an atom have a positive charge and the electrons in an atom have a negative charge and these balance each other. Neutrons have no charge so they do not factor into it. It would be like adding positive 4(Protons) and negative 4(Electrons). -4+4=0 The zero represents your "no overall charge".

Why do small molecules and polymers not conduct electricity?

Because they do not have an overall charge OR any electrons that are free to move

What is the overall charge of an ionic compound?

it is always equal to zero.The overall charge of a formula unit for an ionic compound is zero. The numbers of positive and negative ions are such that the sum of the positive charges and the negative charges is zero.

What object has charge if it has positive charge?

That would apply to any object.

When Socrates was placed on trial which accusation was not made?

He was charged with leading the youth astray and impiety. The first charge delineated the problem, the second charge, which carried the death penalty, was the solution. There were other charges possible, but with this effective duo before the jury, why would any other charge be necessary?