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What would you expect the structure of the dinitro ester to be? (Consider the directing effects of the ester and the first nitro group on the addition of the second nitro group).

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Q: What would you expect the structure of the dinitro ester to be?
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Write the chemical reactions involved in the esterification of acetic acid?

well acetic acid has the formula CH3COOH to form an ester the acetic acid will need to react with an alcohol. So for example if you have methanol CH3OH you would form an ester (esterification) and the ester would be methyl acetate. CH3COOCH3

What happens when hexene reacts with cold neutral and dilute potassium dichromate?

One would expect that the reaction between an alkene and cold, dilute potassium dichromate is an oxidation to a bifunctional alcohol at the carbons in the double bond. The result is also called a vincinal diol or a glycol. The reaction should be similar to the reaction of an alkene with cold, dilute potassium permangante, however, dichromate is a milder oxidizing agent and may not be as effective. The mechanism for this reaction involves the formation of an intermediete 'ester' with the metal at the carbons of the double bond, breaking the double bond. The it can be shown that the resonance structure of the intermediete complex transfers electron density to the ester linkage and protonates from water at both of the ester sites completing the oxidation.

What carboxylic acid would decarboxylate by heating?

A classic example of a carboxylic acid decarboxylation occurs in the malonic ester synthesis. The malonic ester synthesis is a chemical reaction where diethyl malonate or another ester of malonic acid is alkylated at the carbon alpha (directly adjacent) to both carbonyl groups, and then converted to a substituted acetic acid. Malonic acid is another example of an acid that will decarboxylate when heated (not sure at what temperature this happens, though)The structure of malonic acid is HOOC-CH2-COOH.

What would you expect to have a higher melting point sodium chloride or aluminum oxide?

Aluminium oxide, because it has a very strong giant covalent structure that takes a lot of energy to break.

Is there a chemical compound with the formula P2H6?

Well, it would be covalent and named diphosphorus hexahydride.Looking at the Lewis structure, i would expect 2 P's to get 4 H's, however, if it gets a double bond between the P's, they you could have 6 H's.

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