

When a bond is broken energy must be?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Breaking bonds uses energy, making bonds releases energy.

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Q: When a bond is broken energy must be?
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Which bond must break in ATP for energy to be released?

The high energy phosphate bond. This bond is broken by the enzyme ATPase.

Which bond in APT must be broken in order to release energy during cellular respiration?

The bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken in order to release energy in order for the cell to do work.

What happens to energy when a chemical bond is broken or forms?

When a chemical bond forms, energy is absorbed between the atoms that bond. When a chemical bond is broken, energy is immediately and dramatically released.

Energy is released when the bond between?

Energy is released when the bond between nuclear particles is broken.

How bond formation and bond breaking related to enthalpy?

Enthalpy is the measurement of total energy change of a reaction. The energy of bond formation and bond breaking can be used to calculate the bond enthalpy of the reaction. Bond enthalpy is the enthalphy change when 1 mol of bond is broken. Therefore the general equation to calculate the enthalpy change is energy of bond broken subtract by energy of bond formation.

How Is energy stored in chemical bonds?

Energy is stored in the potential energy of the electrons that make up that bond. This energy is released once the bond is broken.

In order for rotation to occur about a double bond?

If carbon atoms joined by double they can not rotate freely because it requires too much energy to break pi bond .

When a bond is broken is energy stored or released?


When a chemical bond is broken energy is absorbedneutralizedreleased or none of these?


How are mixture broken down?

By adding energy and breaking the bond

What bond is broken when ATP is converted to ADP and energy is released?

chemical energy

What is the exothermic reaction in terms of bond breaking and bond forming?

An exothermic reaction is a reaction that happens when energy is release. This means that a bond is being broken. Because the bond is broken, it has undergone an exothermic reaction.