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chemical property

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Q: When a match burns the wood showed the property of?
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Chemical Properties for wood?

Wood burns. So, a chemical property could be that certain chemicals in wood react vigorously with oxygen. Burning is a chemcial change, and reactivity with oxygen is a chemical property.

Is A match burns leaving only a charred stick of wood chemical or physical?

physical change because it is still wood, just charred

When a safety match burns is it a chemical change?

yes, You can not return the wood to its origonal fourm so it is a chemical change

What are the general properties of wood?

It is not a physical property. It has a physical property. And its a solid

Material that burns easily and is used to start a fire?

A chemical property describing something that burns or catches on fire easily is flammable.

What is a property of wood?

It is combustible. Being made primarily of Glucose sugar, put a match to it, add oxygen and it'll burn.

Why do we use wood in match sticks?

Matchsticks are made of wood or paper because it burns after the initial flame is created by the chemicals. The rate is slow enough to give you a few seconds to light you smoke or a candle.

Is A match burns leaving only a charred stick of wood physical or chemical change?

Chemical, because it changes into another substance after burning.

Which wood burns the best wood from a store or sticks from trees?

wood from a store, because most of the time its dry and dry wood burns the best.

What is a chemical property of wood?

It is combustible. Being made primarily of Glucose sugar, put a match to it, add oxygen and it'll burn.

When a match stick is burned what will happen?

Among other things:* You'll no longer have a match stick.* The wood of the match stick will convert to smoke; among other things, CO2 will be produced.* In the process, some oxygen will be used up.

Is Flammability is not one of the characteristic properties of matter true or false?

True. Flammability is a chemical property of matter. It is not a physical property of matter. When wood burns, it changes to ashes, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases. After burning, it is no longer wood.