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When the equation is "balanced", that is, when the number of each kind of atoms involved in the reaction is the same in both the total reactants and the total products.

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Q: When is the principle of a conservation of a mass number satisfied in a chemical equation?
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Which is a balanced chemical equation according to the law of conservation of mass?

a balanced chemical equation according to the law of conservation of mass is that equation in which both the products side atoms are equal to the reactants side atoms.BEfore and after the chemical reaction.

What principle can be applied to all chemical reactions?

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State the principle that explains why there must be the same number of atoms of each element on each side of an equation?

It is the principle of conservation of energy.

How is law of conservation of mass shown by a balanced chemical equation?

In a balanced chemical equation, the number of atoms of each element are the same on both sides; they are just rearranged. This is due to the conservation of mass.

Why do you need a balanced equation to do stoichiometry?

A chemical equation must respect the law of mass conservation.

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How is the principle of conservation of energy seen in fission and fusion reactions?

Because of the principle of energy conservation the lost mass must reappear as generated energy, according to Einstein's equation E = mc²

Why is law of conservation of mass important?

The principle of the Conservation of mass is so important, as it defines that in physics, nothing can be created or destroyed in an isolated system. It explains that the number of molecules (parts) must be equal on both sides of the equation - A BALANCED EQUATION.

What law states that the number of atoms on the right of a chemical equation is equal to the number of atoms on the left of the chemical equation called?

This is the law of mass conservation.

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What are the physical significances of equation of continuity?

it is the mathematical representation of principle of conservation of masses that flow into a controlled volume.

What does conservation mean when relating to chemical reactions?

"Conservation" in chemical reactions referrs to something that is the same before and after the reaction. When writing a chemical equation, balancing the equation represents the 'conservation of atoms' and the 'conservation of mass'. Add all the atoms of each individual type on the reactant side of the arrow and, individually, the number of atoms on the product side for each type of atom will be the same. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed by a chemical reaction.