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Q: When matter changes state what is a chemical property?
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Is state a physical or a chemical property of matter?

A state of matter is a physical property.

Are the changes in the state of matter chemical changes?


Is melting point classified as a chemical property or a physical property?

physical. melting does not change the substance; it only changes the state of matter (or the movement of particles).

Is a solid a chemical property?

No, it is a state of matter.

Are changes in the state of matter are physical chemical or neither?

changes in states of matter are physical changes, as they do not affect the chemical properties of the substance

Is state of matter at room temperature a chemical or physical property?

The state of matter is a physical property at any temperature.

What property is the state of matter?

Density and state of matter are physical properties, its not chemical =p.

Is temperature a physical property or a chemical property?

The state of matter is a physical property.

Is liquid water a physical or chemical property?

Being liquid is a physical property. Being water (H2O) is a chemical property.

How matter changes state-?

With the help of some physical and chemical processes matter changes its state. Like using heating , cooling etc we can change the state of matter,

Why are change of state physical changes?

The identity of the property does not change so the physical properties change but not the chemical

Is being liquid at room temperature a chemical property?

No, it is a (physical) state of matter, and 'liquid' is not a property