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Adhesion is the ability of water molecules to stick to other molecules. Cohesion is the ability of water molecules sticking to one another.

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Q: When water molecules stick to the molecules of other substance the molecules are displaying?
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What is the tendency of water molecules to stick to molecules of another substance?

The ability of water molecules to stick to one another is due to cohesion. Cohesion is what gives rise to properties such as surface tension.

What water molecules stick to other water molecules this property is called?

Cohesion is a property of water molecules, in which they stick together due to the fact that they form hydrogen bonds with one another.

What special abilities do water molecules have because they are polar?

Because water molecules are polar, they exhibit both cohesion adhesive. They are cohesive because they stick to other water molecules, and adhesive because they also stick to other surfaces.

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A coloured substance can only act as a dye if its molecules can stick to the molecules of the material. This is called mordancy, and depends on the chemical groups present on the molecules of the coloured substance and on the molecules of the material. Think of it as a lock and a key, the key has to be the right shape to fit into the lock.

Why water decays food?

Each molecule of water is polarized, which means that one side is positively charged and the other side is negatively charged. Because of this, when water runs over a substance, the water molecules catch on to the other molecules and pull them into the water (decay), or stick them to each molecule (as in a solution).

How water's properties attribute to it's cohesive behavior?

cohesion means the water molecules stick to other water molecules, adhesion is when the water molecules stick to other things like the inside of a stem of a plant.

How does the hydrogen bonding between water molecules affect the properties of water?

It enables water molecules to stick to each other and to many other things.

Why do water molecules stick to each other?

They are polar and form hydrogen bonds

What substance doesn't stick to glass?

Teflon is a substance that doesn't stick to glass. It is a nonstick material commonly used in cookware and other applications where low friction and non-adherence properties are desired.

What makes bubbles stick to something?

Water is made up of lots of tiny molecules. The molecules are attracted to each other and stick together. The molecules on the very top of the water stick together very closely to make a force called surface tensionI hope that helps :D

What is it called when water sticks to different substances?

Adhesion is when water molecules stick to other molecules