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It forms hydrogen gas and Zinc chloride. but the reaction will be slow in dilute acid (when compared with that in concentrated acid).

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Q: When zinc reacts with dil HCl what new compound is formed?
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KCl and water are formed.

What is formed when mixing HCl with zinc?

Hydrogen gas and Zinc Chloride

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Hydrochloride acid is hydrogen chloride or HCl. When HCl reacts with a metal, the metal replaces hydrogen in the compound, forming a metal chloride and hydrogen gas. Here's an example of zinc reacting to produce zinc chloride or ZnCl2. Zn + 2HCl --> ZnCl2 + H2

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when the penny is reacted with HCl, there must be somesort of area where the copper on the outside of the penny is removed so that the HCl can react with the zinc inside because HCl does not react with copper. Once the HCl reacts with the Zn inside, it will dissapear and therefore become less dense then the ZnCl2 that is formed which causes the penny to float

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