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On the plasma membrane of their target cells.

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14y ago

If a hormone is lipid soluable then it passes right through the phospholipid bilayer and does not need a receptor. It can dock directly with a transcription factor. Steriods, for instance.

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Q: Where are Receptors for most water soluble hormones located?
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What type of hormones bind to receptors located on the membrane?

Water-soluble hormones. Insulin and epinephrine

What type of hormones bind to receptors located on cell membrane?

Water-soluble hormones. Insulin and epinephrine

What is the difference between protein hormones and steroid hormones and how they communicate with their target cells?

Steroid hormones arelipid-soluble and can dissolve easily into the cell membrane of the target cell to connect with receptors. Protein hormones are water-soluble and connect with receptors at the membrane because it can't diffuse through the membrane.

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What are steroid hormones soluble in?

Lipids (fat-soluble), they can therefore be administered orally.

Are peptide hormones water soluble?

Both. Some amines such as epinephrine are water soluble while thyroxine is a fat soluble amine

Examples of water soluble and lipid soluble compounds in living organism?

Amino acid based hormones such as Human Growth Hormone is an example of water soluble compounds. Steroid hormones and thyroid hormone are examples of lipid soluble compounds in living humans.

Which hormone is water soluble and therefore binds extracellular receptors?

Insulin and epinephrine

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Is calcitonin water soluble?

yes..but Other thyroid Hormones like T4, T3 are fat-soluble unlike calcitonin..

Chemically hormones belong chiefly to two molecular groups called?

Chemically hormones belong chiefly to two molecular groups. The two groups are the steroids and the amino acid based molecules.

What water-soluble hormone would most likely bind to what membrane proteins?

Channel linked receptors bind to neurotransmitters. (also called ion channels and ligand gated ion channels) A ligand is the signal molecule i.e the neurotransmitter. Hormones bind to intracellular receptors because hormones are non polar and can cross the cell's plasma membrane. (also called cytoplasmic receptors)