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For example the chemical elements in the group 1, alkali metals.

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Q: Where are the elements that have the same valence electrons found in the periodic table?
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Give the location of the elements found in the periodic table which have the same valence electrons?

Vertical columns.

What patterns are noted in the electron structures of elements found in a periodic and in a family in the periodic table?

The period (row) indicates how many electron shells the element has and the family (column) indicates how many valence electrons the element has.

How did scientists find the periodic table missing elements?

At first, a scientist named Dmitri Mendeleev organized the periodic table according to an element's atomic mass, in increasing order. However, the periodic table is now organized by atomic number, in increasing order. Additionally, each column, also called a group or family, has elements with the same number of electrons in its outermost electron shell (valence shell). Because of this, elements of the same column will react similarly in a chemical reaction. As well, there are several categories of elements on the periodic table. Group 1A are the alkali metals and have 1 valence electron. Group 2A are the alkaline earth metals and have 2 valence electrons. Group 8A are the noble gases and have 8 valence electrons, meaning they do not react with any elements. Group 7A are the Halogens and have 7 valence electrons. Elements found to the left of the metalloid line are metals and the middle part of the table contains transition metals, which can vary in their number of valence electrons. To the left of the metalloid line are nonmetals. Elements found along the metalloid line are metalloids and have both properties of metals and nonmetals. Finally, the two rows extracted from the table are the Lancthinides and Actinides, which are generally radioactive in nature.

Where do you find the number of valence electrons for elements for chlorine?

Valence electrons are the electrons found in the outer shell of an atom. In each vertical row of the table from 1 to 2 and 13 to 18, there is a certain number of valence electrons that is common to all of the elements in that row. In the first vertical roe there is one valence electron. In the second, there is two. You will skip rows 3- to 12 because those elements are transition metals and each one of them varies. When you get to row 13, it has 3 valence electrons. Row 14, 4 electrons, and so on. So for chlorine, which is in row 17, there will be 7 valence electrons.

What can be said about the electron configurations of all the elements in a group?

The electron configurations of all the elements in a group have the same number of valence electrons. Valence electrons are the electrons found in the outermost shell of an element.

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Give the location of the elements found in the periodic table which have the same valence electrons?

Vertical columns.

Two elements are found in the same column of the periodic table You would expect these elements to have?

same number of valence electrons, so are their chemical properties more or less the same.

What are the valence electron of an atom?

The valence electrons are found on the valence shell, the outermost shell of an atom. By using the periodic table and the group numbers, one can find the number of valence electrons for elements in groups (vertical columns) 1-2 and 13-18. For the 1st 2 groups (1 and 2), the group number tells the number of valence electrons for elements which belong in that group Elements in the 1st group have 1 valence electron and elements in the 2nd group have 2 valence electrons. For groups 13-18, refer to the tens' value (the teen value that is not the "1" in these cases). Elements in group 13 have 3 valence electrons, elements in group 14 have 4 and so on to the the final group, 18, where electrons have a full octet of valence electrons.

What does elments found in the same family on the periodic table have in common?

Elements in the same family (group) on the periodic table have the same number of valence electrons and hence they have similar properties and reactivities.

How do you find the most similar elements in the periodic table?

In the periodic table, the elements are grouped according to their properties. Elements in a group has an equal number of valence electrons. So the elements in a group have most common chemical properties.

Where are the electrons found in an atoms?

The electrons in the atom are found on the outer rings, the limit of 2 on the first up to 8 on the valence ring. The number of the electrons found on the valence ring determines where the chemical is placed on the Periodic Table.

Where are element with few valence electrons found on the periodic table?

toward the left- apex

How many valence electrons are there in phosphuros?

The number of valence electrons in any element can be found from the element's group number on the periodic table. Phosphorus has a group number of 5 (15 in some periodic tables, in which case the valence is the group number minus ten). Thus, phosphorus has 5 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons does a neutral atom of silicon have?

A neutral atom of silicon will have 4 valence electrons. The amount of valence electrons that a neutral atom will have can be found by the atoms group number in the periodic table.

What patterns are noted in the electron structures of elements found in a periodic and in a family in the periodic table?

The period (row) indicates how many electron shells the element has and the family (column) indicates how many valence electrons the element has.

The elements in group 7A have one valence electron true or false?

A valence electron, or valence electrons, are found in all of the elements. A valence electron is an electron located on the out most shell of an element (the valence shell). Most elements will have more than one valence electron. Oxygen, or O, has six valence electrons because its outer shell consists of six electrons.

What member of the nitrogen family has five valence electrons and can be found in the third electron orbital shell?

All elements in the group of Nitrogen, such as Phosphorus and Arsenic, have five valence electron when in their natural state (that is, they have not have not gained or lost valence electrons). But as to the element in that group that has valence electrons in the third electron orbital, Phosphorus is the one you are looking for. To figure this out, just look at the Periodic Table of Elements, and you will see that Phosphorus is in the third row. Hope this helps!