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Alkali metals: lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium, francium.

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Q: Where in general do the most easily oxidized metals occur in the periodic table?
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Related questions

Which metals or most easily oxidized?

Highly active metals are the most easily oxidized because they react with oxygen easily.

What is the general location of metals on the periodic table?

groups 3-12

What two general categories can be used to classify most of the elements on the periodic table?

There are 2 most general categories. These are metals and non-metals.

Is cobalt more easily oxidized than magnesium?

No, cobalt is not more easily oxidized than magnesium. Grab a seat and look at the periodic table as we chat and you'll see why. Cobalt is a transition metal. Some of them oxidize a little bit and some resist oxidation. But magnesium is an Alkaline Earth Metal from Group 2 of the table. Those elements always oxidize in air because they are so reactive. Not as reactive as the Alkali Metals, which are in Group 1, but more so than any of the transition metals like cobalt. You'll find a link to a periodic table below. It's a very good one, and each element is a link to the post on that element. Bookmark this bad boy. It will allow you to learn a lot, and it will save you some time, too.

What are the general properties or the elements in the group to the right in the modern periodic table?

their general properties is that they are all non metals

Which elements bond easily with silver?

non metals in general

Arrang the metals and non-metals in table according to their densities What general conclusion can you draw from your list?

The metals and non-metals have been arranged according to their densities in the periodic table.

What elements have a shiny surface?

metalloids like titanium and gold, in the center of the periodic table (im only 13 and i knew that)

What metals oxidize under UV light?

Metals are not oxidized by UV radiation.

Elements on the left side of the periodic table?

Elements on the left side of the Periodic Table are "Alkali Metals". There is also one non-metal element. H(hydrogen)

What are the elements in the periodic table most classified as?

Elements of the periodic table

What are the main metals in the periodic table?

The three main metals in a periodic table are transition metals, alkali metals, and alakaline earth metals.