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Not sure how to find a place where natural conditions are: below the critical temperature or above critical pressure:

Critical temperature (Tc) = 33.145 K = -340 oC

Critical pressure (Pc) = 12.794 atm

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11y ago

The largest known source of liquid water in the solar system is unquestionably Earth. However, there are several other possible locations, including Mars, and the some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

There are many sources in our system of solid water, mainly asteroids.

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12y ago

As of right now, Only Earth has liquid water, but evidence supports that there was once water on mars.

There is liquid water on one of Jupiter's moons, Europa

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15y ago

Plasma comes from the sun

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Q: Where in the solar system would you look for liquid hydrogen?
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Why are hydrogen bonds essential for life?

If it weren't for hydrogen bonds, water would not be a liquid at room temperature, and temperatures common on the earth. Instead it would be water vapor. Also, instead of the unusual property of solid water floating on liquid water, which preserves the lives of aquatic organisms under the ice, ice would be denser than liquid water and would freeze from the bottom up, killing most aquatic organisms.

Does sodium melt in boiling water?

Elemental sodium would melt very rapidly in liquid water of any temperature, and the hydrogen it produces self-ignites.

How do you explode hydrogen without ignition?

Hydrogen can be made to explode in two different ways. The most usual way would be by combustion with oxygen, but that requires ignition. However, if you have liquid hydrogen you could make it explode by heating it, even in the absence of oxygen, in exactly the same way that water in a sealed container will explode if you heat it to the boiling point. Liquid hydrogen, of course, has a much lower boiling point than water does, and therefore would require less heating to make it explode. If it is not kept cooled, it will explode even at room temperature.

Why is hydrogen a bad fuel?

It would be simplistic to claim that hydrogen is a bad fuel, but hydrogen does present certain complications as a fuel. Because it is a gas, it is not as easy to store as a liquid fuel such as gasoline. And depending upon how it is stored, it is more likely to explode, in the event of an accident, than gasoline would be. But in some ways hydrogen is an excellent fuel. The only combustion product of burning hydrogen is water. It is completely nonpolluting. And since hydrogen can be made from water (by electrolysis) there is in principle an unlimited supply, as long as you can generate the electricity needed to perform the electrolysis.

What would happen if earth had no hydrogen?

If the earth had no hydrogen, there would also be no water, and there would be no life as we know it.

Related questions

What substances make up most of the solar system?

That would be the hydrogen in the sun. The second most plentiful substancein the solar system would be the helium in the sun, being the fused hydrogen.

Which of the following would be considered the Sun's fuel?

Mostly hydrogen for a star like our sun in the solar system.

How is a first generation solar system different from a second generation solar system?

A first generation solar system would have contained mostly hydrogen and very little if any of the heavier elements. Second generation solar systems, made from the exploded remnants of first generation stars, would have a higher proportion of heavy elements and thus have more rocky planets and stars that could use energy sources other than hydrogen fusion after their hydrogen was exhausted.

What would happen if there was no solar system?

if there were no solar system then there would be no life?

Are planets part of the solar system?

yes otherwise it would not be a solar system yes otherwise it would not be a solar system

Where would you find the largest oceans in the solar system?

Assuming the Oceans are of liquid water, the only provable place where they are found is Earth.

Is hydrogen an atom or an element?

its an atom and an element. and big bang did not make the solar system.

Can liquid hydrogen be used as a fuel?

It would be great, but hydrogen is horribly unstable.

Why do you have your solar system?

we have the solar system because if we didn't then there would be no earth.

What is the biggest star in your solar system?

I would hope that you are in the same solar system that I am. That would be our sun.

What is a heart in the solar system?

The heart is the star around which the solar system orbits. In our solar system the heart would be our sun

What is the biggest body of your solar system?

You mean - of THE solar system ?? That would be the sun.