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Group 17 period 3

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Q: Where is chlorine located at on the Periodic Table of Elements?
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Why in the periodic table is chlorine Cl?

Periodic table is an arrangement of elements. Chlorine is an element and hence it is there on the periodic table.

Is chlorine an elements or compound?

Chlorine is an element. Its atomic number is 17 on the periodic table of the elements.

What is the opposite of Chlorine on the periodic table of elements?


What does CCI mean in the periodic table of elements?

Ci means chlorine in the periodic table

What does CPI stand for in the periodic table of elements?

Cl is the symbol of chlorine on the periodic table. Cl- stands for chloride anion and is not seen on the periodic table, as periodic table lists elements and not ions.

What is KL in chemistry?

Only elements are there on the periodic table and not compounds. The elements potassium (K) and chlorine (Cl) are present on the periodic table. KCl is a compound and is not seen on the periodic table.

Where is hydrochloride on the periodic table?

It isn't on the periodic table since it is not a single element but a compound made of two elements: hydrogen and chlorine.

What group is chlorine in the periodic table?

Chlorine is in Group 17 of the Periodic Table.

Which elements are in BaCI2?

it is some sort of Compound found in elements on the periodic table

Which element does NaCl correspond with on the periodic table?

NaCl (Sodium chloride) is not on the periodic table because it isn't a chemical element. Sodium chloride is a chemical compound formed when the elements Sodium and Chlorine react with each other.

What 3 elements make up chlorine?

Chlorine itself is an element. It is on the Periodic Table (of the Elements). It is made from protons, electrons and neutrons.

What is the name of the table of elements?

A Periodic table The Periodic Table of the Elements.