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An example is two bases.

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Q: Which 2 substances when mixed together will always give an alkaline solution?
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What 2 substances when mixed together would always give an alkaline solution?

The product of a reaction between a week acid and a strong base is a basic salt.

A solution a substance or a mixture?

It is always a mixture of two substances: the solute and the solvent.

What would a solution of dissolved sugar in water be classified as?

A compound differs from a mixture in that a compound always has a

How does pH enter freshwater?

Water will always have a pH. pH is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is. Intruduction of basic substances such as carbonates will raise pH. Introduction of acidic substances such as carbonic or sulfuric acid will lower pH.

What tree is always alkaline?

Indian bean tree

Is sugar and water a solution compound or heterogeneous mixture?

sucrose is a compound and every pure compound is always homogeneous.

Is a mixture always a solution?

yes, a solution is always a mixture

How are mixtures and solutions alike?

They are both mixtures and are dissolved. The difference is that a solution is mixed more then a mixture. A mixture is only combined it doesn't make anything different like for EX. A fruit salad you can still see the substances. Lemonade is a solution you can't see the sugar in it combined and dissolved.

Can something be both a Mixture and Solution?

Not necessarily. A mixture can be anything that contains 2 or more substances, like sand and sugar or water and olive oil. In a solution one of the substances has been dissolved in the other, that is to say, one of them has been split up in parts too small to see with the naked eye. Styrofoam in gasoline is a solution. Sugar in water is also a solution and so is tea in water. The tea-leaves however have not dissolved and are not part of the solution.The easiest way to tell if something is a solution is to see if it is transparent (you could see though it, even if it's colored) or opaque.Yes, a solution is always a mixture, but a mixture is not always a solution.

Should you break up with someone if your having personal problems?

breaking up is not the only solution when you have problems. even if it is personal you can always share it with your partner. maybe you'll figure out a solution together.

A solution is always a liquid. comment.?

A solution is not always a liquid: An alloy like brass is a solid in solid solution, and air is a gas in gas solution.

What is always true of strong acid?

They dissociate completely in a solution. Apex