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fluorine (F), Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), and Iodine (I)

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it si k kd'l;mfg; f

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Q: Which Halogen with four occupied electron shells?
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How many shells are there in selenium atom?

Selenium has four electron shells.

How many electron shells does chromium have?

Chromium has two electrons in the outer most shell.

Is it true Iodine has four electron shells?

no, they have seven

How many orbits does copper have?

Copper has four electron shells.

How many energy levels are in nickel?

The electron configuration of nickel is: [Ar]4s13d9 (four electron shells).

How many energy shells are in krypton?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

Potassium has how many electron shells?

Four shells, as potassium is in fourth period

How many electrons does krypton have in each electron shell?

how many energy levels are filled in a krypton atom They have four levels. You always put 2 in the first. 8 in the second. 18 in the third. And I believe you are able to put 36 in the fourth level, but correct me if I'm wrong about the fourth level.

How many electron clouds are in iron?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

How are the number of electron shells determined?

Just look on your periodic table. Count down from the top row, each row represents one more electron shell. So hydrogen and helium have only one, while the row potassium to krypton have four electron shells.

How many electron shells does vanadium have?

There can only be 1 outer energy level.

Which type of bond is strongest and why?

A covalent bond is the strongest of the four types of chemical bonds, as it requires two atoms to share at least one electron each to form full electron shells.