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There are several such elements. All of them are in group 13. Those elements are boron, aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium.

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Q: Which atom in the ground state has only three electrons in the 3p sublevels?
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What is the number of electrons in the valence shell of an atom of aluminum in the ground state?

2 valence electrons are in an aluminum atom in the ground state.

What is the charge of copper if it gains three electrons?

Assuming the copper started at ground state, after gaining 3 electrons, it would have a charge of -3.

How many electrons in a quantum number n3?

Use the formula 2n2. In this case n = 3, so 2(32) = 18. The sublevels and number of electrons in each are 3s23p63d10, for a total of 18 electrons.

Filled energy sublevels are more than partially filled sublevels?

3, three, tres

What are the different sublevels and maximum number of electrons?

s contains one orbital with a maximum of 2 electrons p contains three orbitals with a maximum of 6 electrons d contains five orbitals with a maximum of 10 electrons f contains seven orbital with a maximum of 14 electrons

How many energy levels are needed for a lithium atom's three electrons when the atom is in its ground state?

Lithium has three electrons, two in the inner shell and a single one ouside that, so there are two energy levels. See the link below

What is the total number of principal energy levels that completely filled in an atom of magnesium in the ground state?

Ground state configuration is nothing but the Electronic configuration of the metal in the ground state ie, the thing under normal condition. So, obviously the Ground state configuration of magnesium in [Ne] 3s2 (Atomic number 12).

What element has three unpaired electrons in its p orbital?

The elements in group 15 Nitrogen, N; Phosphorus, P; Arsenic, As; Antimony, Sb and Bismuth, Bi all have a ground state with 3 unpaired electrons in p orbitals.

Compare the four types of orbitals?

On any level, a single s sublevel exists by itself, containing two electrons. However, the other three sublevels are actually composed of three or more sublevel orbitals. On any level, a p sublevel is actually made up of a group of three orbitals. Similarly, d sublevels are made up of a group of five orbitals, and f sublevels are composed of a group of seven orbitals.

How many sub levels are in the p oribital?

Three sublevels: px, py, pz

What is the total number of valence electrons in an atom of magnesium in the ground state?

Magnesium has atomic number 12 and so has 12 protons in the nucleus and 12 electrons in the neutral atom. It has three stable isotopes with 12, 13 or 14 neutrons. The neutrons have no real effect on the electronic structure. The ground state consists of the 1st shell of two electrons and the 2nd shell of 8 electrons. The last two electrons begin the 3rd shell and reside in the subshell named 3s. The last two electrons are the valence electrons.

When a lightning bolt transfers a charge of 17 coulombs when it strikes the ground. How many electrons does the lightning bolt transfer as it strikes the ground?

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