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Neon has 8 valence electrons, which is a stable valence electron configuration.

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Boron and all other members of Periodic Table column 3 have this property.

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Possible sodium at 496 kilojoules per mole first ionization energy.

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Q: Which atom in the ground state requires the least amount of energy to remove its valence electron?
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An electron in the outermost energy level of an atom is a?

The outermost electrons are called VALENCE electrons.

What is the periodic trends in ionization energy?

The ionization energy increases because the energy required to remove a valence electron will increase. The atoms want to keep their valence electrons because as you move more towards the right of the Periodic Table towards the noble gases. To write an abbreviation for electron configuration, it requires a noble gas and the valence electron configuration.

Why does bromine have higher ionization energy then lead?

Bromine has less valence shells than lead making the distance between its valence electron and its nucleus less than that of lead. This means that there is greater attraction between the nucleus and electron for bromine and it requires a higher ionisation energy to remove its electron.

What is the period trend in first ionized energies?

The ionization energy increases because the energy required to remove a valence electron will increase. The atoms want to keep their valence electrons because as you move more towards the right of the Periodic Table towards the noble gases. To write an abbreviation for electron configuration, it requires a noble gas and the valence electron configuration.

Valence electron are found in what energy level?

Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level.

What are electron in the outer energy level called?

Valence electrons.

Are periods valence electrons or electron shell?

The period tells you the valence ELECTRON SHELL (energy level). The group tells you the number of valence electrons.

How does energy of core electrons compare with the energy of valence electron?

The energy is higher.

How does the energy of core electron compare with the energy of valence electrons?

The energy is higher.

What is the name of the electron located in the outer most energy level?

The Valence electron

Can an electron in the outer energy level be called a valence electron?

Yes, it is correct.

How many additional valence electrons does chlorine need to have a full valence shell?

11 electrons makes the third energy level complete. One