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You think probable to alkanes.

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Q: Which class of compounds forms the basis for naming the most other carbon compound?
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Which compounds form the basis naming for carbon compounds?

It is carbon!

What is the basis for all compounds that make up living things?

Living things are based on compounds of carbon.

What answer forms the basis of all organic compounds?


What carbon compound is the basis of the carbon cycle?

glucose (C6 H12 06)

What is the number of compounds that carbon and oxygen can form?

Carbon has four sites for bonding, and it can makes chains with itself, this is the basis for hydrocarbons and almost all organic molecules. So carbon forms ALOT of compounds that are organic.

Why is carbon the basis of such a wide variety of compounds?

It makes four bonds.

What is the difference between inorganic compound and organic compound?

Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon, are covalently bonded and they are a non-polar molicule. Organic compounds are often large and contain Carbohydrates lipids protines nuculiar acids Inorganic Compounds do not contain carbon but DO contain ionic acid. They are Polar and often small. they contain water salts acids basis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What the other answerer said is half true - an example of an inorganic compound containing CARBON is:Baking SodaThe formula indeed contains carbon.Sadly, I do not know the unvague definition between the two at the moment. Please don't remove this and add to

Do carbon form the basis of organics compounds?

Yes carbon form the basis of organic compand carbon and hydrogen that is why their formulae is always CH befor other things can b added

Organic compounds are the basis for all life Explain this statement?

Organic compounds are the basis for all life forms because they are all made of mostly carbon-based compounds and not synthetic materials. Carbon is able to bond with elements easily due to having four valence electrons.

Which element forms more compounds than all the other elements combined?

Carbon is the element that forms maximum number of compounds

Which element is the basis of organic chemistry?

Carbon is the basic element.It should be in compound to be organic

What non metal forms the basis of life?

The nonmetal carbon forms the basis of life. The carbon compounds made by living things are said to be organic. Organic compounds not only contain carbon, but also hydrogen. The most common elements found in living things are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. All of these elements combine in various ways to produce thousands of organic compounds. The study of the chemistry of living things is called biochemistry.