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outer energy level electrons... called valence electrons

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Q: Which electrons in an atom take part in chemical bonding and what are they called?
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Which electrons in and Atom take part in chemical bonding and what are they called?

outer energy level electrons... called valence electrons

What electrons in an atom take part in chemical bonding and what are they called?

outer energy level electrons... called valence electrons

Which electron in an atom take part in chemical bonding what are they called?

outer energy level electrons... called valence electrons

What electron in an atom take part in chemical bonding what are they called?

outer energy level electrons... called valence electrons

What part of an involved in a chemical bonding?

The outer shell electrons of an atom are involved in chemical bonding

What part of that atom is involved in bonding?

The outer or valence electrons are the ones involved in bonding.Valence electrons

What part of an atom is involves in chemical bonding with other atoms?

The atom's outer electrons.

Which subatomic particles are invovled in chemical bonding?

The outer, or valance electrons of the atom are that which is involved in bonding.

What part of atoms are involved in chemical bonding?

The valence electrons of the atom.

What is important about the valence electrons?

When an atom undergoes chemical change, only the outermost (valence electrons) are involved.

What part of the atom is invloved in chemical bonding with other atoms?

Normally electrons

How is the valence electrons of an atom related to a chemical bonding?

The valence electrons are the only electrons that are involved in chemical bonding. These electrons can be shared or transferred. A simple rule of thumb is that atoms "strive" to attain the octet either by loss gain or sharing of electrons.