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transition metals

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Compounds do not form elements. Elements form compounds.

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Group 16

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Almost every other element except the elements in group 18 bond with oxygen to form compounds.

Can two compounds combine and form an element Science homework please help?

maybe an element and some other stuff but no 2 compounds can combine to form just an element

Is yttrium a compound?

No, it is an element but as such can form compounds.

What group is Uranium reactive to?

Uranium is a very reactive element and can form alloys or compounds with the majority of the elements of the priodic table of Mendeleev.

Can a element interact with other elements to form compounds?

Yes, they can.

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why helium does not react with other elements to form compounds

Can beryllium form compounds with any other element?

Beryllium can form binary compounds with the majority of the nonmetals and metalloids.

What element forms compounds with nonmetals?

Metals form compounds very easily with non-metals.

What items have the element neon in it?

Neon doesn't not form compounds

How do elements join to from compounds?

YES!!!! Taking Sodium and Chlorine as an example. Sodium metal is an element. Chlorine gas is an element. Put them together in a gas jar and they will react to form the compound sodium chloride. In nature atmospheric nitrogen (an element) will react with atmospheric oxygen (also an element), when a lightning strike discharges, to form nitrogen oxides (compounds).