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Beryllium or Be is the smallest of group two. you can find atomic radius by: the farther down you go the higher it is lowest is at top and then goes to the right. so the top five lowest atomic radius are in order; He, Ne, F, O, N.

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Q: Which element has the smallest atomic size in the third period of the periodic table?
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Period 4 element with smallest atomic radius?

It is krypton as it the far most right on the periodic table, having the smallest radius

What element in the second period has the smallest atomic radius?


Where does the metal with the lowest atomic mass go on the periodic table?

In a given period, the element with lowest atomic mass will belong to group 1. It should also be noted that lithium is the metal with the smallest atomic mass.

Why is the atomic number included in the periodic table?

Presumably because atomic number is the fundamental characteristic for organizing the periodic table itself. Every element in the interior of a period of the periodic table has an atomic number greater by 1 than its neighbor to the left and less by 1 than its neighbor to the right; every element (except hydrogen) at the left end of a periodic table period has an atomic number greater by one than the rightmost member of the preceding period; and every element at the right end of a periodic table periodic has an atomic number less by 1 than the leftmost element in the succeeding period, if such a succeeding period exists.

What does the period number on a periodic table represent?

the Atomic number on Periodic Table is the identity of an element in the table , it gives the indications about Group, period and Block of elements it also predicts the chemical and physical properties of the element.

Which element in the periodic table period 2 has the most mass?

Neon element in the periodic table period 2 has most mass.It has atomic mass of 20.17.It is colorless and odorless.

Which of the given elements has the smallest atomic radius in 3rd period in periodic table?


What is the element in period 4 with the smallest atomic radius?

Potassium is the period four element with the lowest mass; its average mass is 39.0983amu.

What period is Zn (zinc) in for the periodic table?

Zn is the atomic symbol for the element Zinc.

What is the atomic number of the element to the right of the periodic table?

The atomic number increases one-by-one stepping to the right (within a specific period) in the periodic table.

The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the?

The elements with the smallest atomic radii are found in the top of the P block of the periodic table. Helium (He) has the smallest atomic radius. Francium, on the other side of the periodic table (very bottom of the S block), has the largest atomic radius.

What does the atomic number represents on the periodic table?

the Atomic number on Periodic Table is the identity of an element in the table , it gives the indications about Group, period and Block of elements it also predicts the chemical and physical properties of the element.