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Cl, which is chlorine, is considered a nonmetal, because it is on the right side of the step-stair.

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Q: Which element is classified as a nonmetal be al si cl?
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What element in sodium chloride is nonmetallic?

Chlorine (Cl) is a nonmetal.

What element has the most negative electron affinity Al Si S Cl?

The element with the greatest electronegativity in this scenario would be Cl or Chlorine.

What element is not nonmetal?

C, H, Se, Br, I, F, Cl, O, P, S, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Rn

Is chloride a metal or nonmetal?

Chloride is a term used for salts. Chlorine is a chemical element, nonmetallic.

What does the element Cl ctand for?

The element symbol Cl stands for chlorine. It is classified as a halogen gas and is poisonous to humans. At room temperature, it looks like a yellw-green gas.

Is the element sodium a metal nonmetal or metalloid?

Salt is a compound of Sodium (Na) and of Chlorine (Cl), thus, it is a nonmetal because it is a compound of 2 nonmetals. Na is not a nonmetal it is a highly active metal. This can be easily googled.

Is chlorine classified as a metalloid?

Chlorine is not a metalloid. It is a non metal.

What element is a nonmetal and a green gas?

Examples of non-metal elements that are gases include hydrogen, oxygen, and many others, while bromine is the only liquid non-metal element.

What do all ionic compounds contain?

a metal and a nonmetal. For example, NaCl. Na is the metal, and Cl is the nonmetal.

The compound XCI is classified as ionic of X represents the element?

Its Rb because its the only metal listed and ionic compounds are formed as a result of a metal bonding with a nonmetal which is the chlorine.Rb because if you the subtract the electronegativities:(Cl) 3.2 - (Rb) .8 = 2.4 which is more than 2.0 making it ionic.

Elements or compounds?

Elements are individuals in a way: O, H, N, S, C, Ti, Cl, Ca, etc. <= each one of these are an element a compound is a combination of these there are 2: ionic: a metal element and a nonmetal element (NaCl) covalent: carbon dioxide (CO2)

What is the element Cl?
