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Elements in the groups 3 to 12 are known as transition metals or d block elements.

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Q: Which group on the periodic table are known as transition metals?
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What is the name of group 3 to 12 on the periodic table?

Transition metals or if you're in a more advanced chemistry class, D-Block elements

Which group in the periodic table contain only metal?

There are many groups in the periodic table that only contain metals. There are the Alkali metals, the Alkaline earth metals, Lanthanoids, Actinoids, Transition metals, and the Post-transition metals.

What are Elements in the middle block of the periodic table are called?

Group 1 = Alkali Metals Group 2 = Alkali Earth metals Between Group 2 And Group 3 are the Transition metals. Groups 3,4,5,& 6 do not have a name, but are headed by Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen respectively. Group 7 = Halogens Group 8 = Noble/Inert gases. Lower down the Periodic table between Group 2 and the Transition metals are two Periods(Rows) ; the first are the Lanthanides and the second(lower again) are the Actinides(Radio Active elements).

Is iron a metal a nonmetal or a metalloid?

Iron is a metal. In fact, it is part of a group of metals known as transition metals, located in the middle of the Periodic Table.

What is the group or familly name of titaniam?

Titanium is a member of the 'transition metals' family in the Periodic Table, also known as 'D' block.

What are the elements in the middle of the periodic table are known as these kinds of metals?

Transition metals

What is the name of groups 3-12 name on the periodic table?

The groups from 3 to 12 are called transitional metals because the last two shells of the elements included in these groups are incompletely filled. They are also included in d-block.Groups 3 through 12 are called the transition metals or the d-block.

Group 3-12 contain metals known as?

elements in groups 3-12 are transition metals

Where is alkali metals located on the periodic table and their group number?

The alkali metals are group 1, also known as group 1A.

What classification is the element nickel belong to?

Nickel belongs in family(or group) 10, transition metals. The elements in this group are Nickel, Palladium, Platinum, and Ununnilium, in order of increasing atomic mass. A link is provided.

The group 1 elements on the periodic table are known as the?

The alkali metals.

What are elements in groups 3-12 known as?

Transition Metals! ^-^