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halite. quartz has a stronger bond making it harder to pull the atoms apart

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Q: Which has a weaker chemical bond halite or quartz?
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Which is stronger-hydrogen bond or chemical bond?

A hydrogen bond is one type of chemical bond, so the question is somewhat misguided. In general it is weaker than the three types of bond we learn first, ionic, covalent and metallic bonds.

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A pi bond is weaker than a sigma bond.

Which is weaker ionic or covalent bond?

The covalent bond is weaker.

How can a type of bond determine the volatility of a substance?

A stronger chemical bond (such as a covalent or ionic bond) forms a more stable substance; a weaker bond (such as a dipole or hydrogen bond) forms a more volatile substance.

Why does halite dissolve in water?

Halite is the mineral form of the common salt. It dissolves in water because water is a polar molecule and halite contains an ionic bond, which makes it water soluble.

What is the weakest a covalent bond hydrogen bond or an ion?

hydrogen bonding is considered to be a intermolecular force which is much weaker than any intramolecular force (chemical bonds covalent or ion)

Is a hydrogen bond weaker than an ionic or covalent bond?

Yes. A hydrogen bond is merely an intermolecular force between two or more molecules, while ionic and covalent bonds are chemical bonds between atoms.

What is the bond between silicon and oxygen atoms in quartz?

Covalent bond.

Is a hydrogen bond stonger then a covalent bond?

No. Hydrogen bond is weaker than covalent bond.

Is quartz chemical?

Ionic and covalent bonds are defined by bond length, and in many real compounds the actual bond length is between the ionic and covalent bond lengths. These bonds can be described as some percentage ionic and some percentage covalent. Si-O (called siloxo) bonds in quartz and opal are mostly covalent. Glass is not mostly covalent because it has alkali fluxes that make it more ionic. Sialate bonds (Si-O-Al-O, where the aluminum has a alkali atom associated with it) are also mostly (but I believe less so) covalent. Source: Linus Pauling's "the nature of the chemical bond"

Which compounds in the periodic table has the weakest bond?

In most cases, covalent bonds are usually weaker, but there are exceptions such as diamond and graphite.