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Q: Which is the best analogy describing the location of an electron in an atomic orbita?
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Which is the best analogy describing the location of an electron in an atomic orbital?

The movement of planets around the Sun is the best analogy to describe the location of an electron in an atomic orbital.

Which is the best analogy describing the location of an electron in an atomic oribital?

In my opinion the analogy is the orbiting of planets around the sun in the solar system.

What is the location of electrons?

Around the atomic nucleus, on electron shells.

What does modern atomic theory say about electron location?

the heisenburg uncertainty priciple says that you cannot know an electron's location and speed at the same time

Of atomic structure describe the most probable location of an electron in relation to the nucleus of an atom?

In a shell at a distance form the atomic nucleus. The Electron Cloud

What can we predict from an elements location on the periodic table?

You can predict it's physical state, atomic size, atomic weight, electron effinity, charge, and other physical characteristics.

The probable location of an electron in an electron cloud is where?

The electron cloud is a volume of space around an atomic nucleus. It comprises of a space of probability. It is the volume of space where electrons can "probably" be found, or have a probability of being found.

What does the atomic mass of an electron represent?

The mass of an electron is atomic mass units is 5,485 799 090 70(16); the mass of the electron is not an atomic mass.

What the location of the subatomic?

sub-atomic particles are within the atom (and remember, atoms are everywhere): the electron, proton and neutron are all sub-atomic particles, but there are even smaller particles (and anti-particles) called quarks that make up the proton, neutron and electron.

What is a electron cloud?

An electron cloud is an atomic orbital.

What is an electron's atomic mass number?

The electron has no atomic mass number. The mass of an electron is roughly 1/1800 of the mass of a proton or neutron.

What determines an elements location on the periodic table of the elements?

The periodic table is arranged according to the atomic structure of the elements. The atomic structure, specifically the electron arrangement determines the properties of the elements. Elements with the same outer electron configurations have similar properties and are located in the same group.