

Which is the largest atom C Ne O B?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Which is the largest atom C Ne O B?
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// return the larger of any 2 numbers int larger (int a, int b) { return a>b?a:b; } // return the largest of any 3 numbers int largest (int a, int b, int c) { return larger (larger (a, b), c)); } // return the middle value of any 3 numbers int middle (int a, int b, int c) { if (a>b) a^=b^=a^=b; // swap a and b (b is now the larger of the two) if (b>c) b^=c^=b^=c; // swap b and c (c is now the largest of all three) return larger (a, b); // return the larger of a and b }

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void main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value of a:"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nEnter the value of b:"); scanf("%d",&b); printf("\nEnter the value of c:"); scanf("%d",&c); if(a>b) { if(a>c) { if(b>c) { printf("c is smallest\n"); printf("b is middle\n"); printf("a is largest\n"); } else { printf("b is smallest\n"); printf("c is middle\n"); printf("a is largest\n"); } } else { printf("b is smallest\n"); printf("a is middle\n"); printf("c is largest\n"); } } else if(b>c) { if(a>c) { printf("c is smallest\n"); printf("a is middle\n"); printf("b is largest\n"); } else { printf("a is smallest\n"); printf("c is middle\n"); printf("b is largest\n"); } } else { printf("a is smallest\n"); printf("b is middle\n"); printf("c is largest\n"); } getch(); }

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Let the numbers be A,B and C and assume that A ≠ B ≠ C 1) Subtract B from A. If the result is a positive number then A > B otherwise B > A. 2) Subtract the greater of A and B from C. If the result is a positive number then C is the largest number otherwise the subtrahend (either A or B) is the largest number.

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Find the largest of two, then find the largest of that value and the third value. int* max (int* a, int* b) { return (a*) > (b*) ? a : b; } int* max_of_three (int* a, int* b, int* c) { return max (max (a, b), c); }

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