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This law is known mainly with two different names: "Law of Conservation of Energy", or "First Law of Thermodynamics".

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This is the law of conservation of energy. A version adapted is for thermodynamcic systems is

called the First law of thermodynamics

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The conservation of energy

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Q: Which law states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed?
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Is it true that energy can be created or destroyed?

No. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy may be neither created nor destroyed.

How mass conserved during chemical and physical changes?

the of conservation of energy states that energy neither is created or destroyed it changes states the of conservation of mass states that mass neither is created or destroyed it only changes state

What energy is not created or destroyed?

matter. In one of the sciency laws it clearly states that matter is neither created nor destroyed.

What does the law of conservation state?

The law of conservation states that energy can neither be created or destroyed but can be found existing in different forms

The law of conservation of energy states is never created or destroyed?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another.

Who said that electric charge cannot be created or destroyed?

Whoever wrote the Law of Conservation of Energy (This states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.)

What law of thermodynamics states that energy is neither created or destroyed?

The First Law of Thermodynamics.

What is the scientific rule that states energy can not be destroyed?

The Law of the Conservation of Energy. Stating it can be neither created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.

Can nuclear energy be increaed or decreased?

No. Due to the law of Newtons law of the conservation of energy states Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

The law of conservation of energy applies-?

The law of conservation of energy applies in physical sciences, and states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Is energy always recycled?

Science always states " can neither be created or destroyed - simply transformed from one state to another..."

What states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reaction?

The law of Conservation of mass states that 'mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction'.